
Next Generation
Cyber Security

Cyber security is the practice of using technology, business processes, and education to protect your corporate networks, data, and systems from unauthorised access.

In the past, network and system security was an issue for businesses, with viruses, malware, hacking, and social engineering always being present.

However, incidents were far less common as many businesses were not connected in the way they are today.

Poor password management processes, traditional antivirus, and limited encryption were, and still are common. While the risk was there, many businesses were never a target as physical access was required.

Today, with everything connected to the internet, the internet of things, cloud services, and the need for always-on and always-available access to data, these old practices simply do not measure up and put businesses at significant risk, with many ultimately being completely unprepared.

We now have hackers for hire, malware and viruses on demand, ransomware holding your data hostage, and even governments attacking other countries.

And all of this is happening remotely every hour of every day.

Aeris Networks can help protect and secure your business network by developing a comprehensive end-to-end security strategy.

In the past, cyber security was typically focused on a few key areas, such as network security with firewalls and antivirus for protecting endpoints, deploying what is often referred to as point solutions.

More often than not, these solutions did not communicate with each other, and in many cases, were even managed by different teams.

By taking a holistic approach, we can help ensure that all aspects of your business are protected and that your security solutions work together to provide the best possible protection against cyber threats.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Aeris Networks can help protect your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have.

We believe in taking a holistic approach to cyber security by combining technology, education, and business processes.

Next-Generation Firewalls

Next-Gen Firewalls (NGWs) provide enhanced visibility, granular control, and robust security for modern network environments.

  • NGFWs go beyond traditional firewalls by offering integrated intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion protection systems (IPS). These features allow for deeper inspection of network traffic, enhancing packet-content filtering up to the application layer. In addition to basic packet filtering and stateful inspections, NGFWs provide a more comprehensive security approach.

  • Unlike traditional firewalls that primarily block common application ports, NGFWs monitor traffic from layer 2 through layer 7. They intelligently identify the specific applications being sent or received, even when applications use multiple or various ports. This capability ensures better control over application access and targeted threats.

  • NGFWs offer deep-packet inspection, intrusion prevention, and SSL decryption. They are designed to protect against sophisticated cyber-attacks that traditional firewalls may miss. By analysing encrypted traffic and detecting advanced malware, NGFWs significantly enhance network security.

Managed Detection and Response services

MDR services provide expert-led monitoring, rapid response, and a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

  • MDR services provide continuous monitoring to swiftly detect and respond to security threats. By analysing network traffic and events in real time, MDR helps organizations stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

  • MDR solutions combine human expertise with cutting-edge security tools. Trained security engineers actively monitor an organization’s applications and attack surface, adapting goals as needed. Outsourcing security expertise ensures scalability without straining budgets or relying on overworked in-house staff.

  • MDR not only reduces the time-to-detect threats (from months to minutes) but also focuses on proactive hardening of an organization’s security posture. By staying ahead of adversaries’ tactics and techniques, MDR helps organizations build resilience against cyberattacks.

Cyber Security Testing Services

Cyber security testing plays a crucial role in safeguarding digital systems.

  • Cybersecurity testing, including techniques like penetration testing (ethical hacking), reveals vulnerabilities within applications, software, systems, or networks. By simulating real-life attacks, it identifies weak points that could be exploited by malicious actors. Early detection allows organisations to address these vulnerabilities proactively.

  • Regular cyber security testing improves an organisation’s overall security posture. By assessing and remediating vulnerabilities, it ensures robust protection against cyber threats. Additionally, it helps organisations stay compliant with industry standards and regulations.

  • Through cyber security testing, organisations can fine-tune their incident response capabilities. By simulating attacks, they gain insights into how well their defences hold up and can refine their strategies for handling security incidents. This proactive approach strengthens resilience and minimises the impact of potential breaches.

Cyber Security Training Services

Cyber security training is crucial for organisations to enhance their security posture.

  • Cyber security training makes your business more secure by raising awareness about threats such as data breaches and ransomware. When everyone in your organisation follows consistent security measures, the risk of a breach decreases significantly.

  • Investing in excellent cybersecurity training pays off. Data breaches and attacks cost companies billions each year. By preventing even a single attack, you save both time spent on damage control and financial resources.

  • Educated employees are less likely to fall for phishing emails or make errors that lead to breaches. With proper knowledge, they can confidently handle daily threats and contribute to a safer digital environment.

Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that your business is secure and protected from cyber threats.

What will it take to see your technology done right?